Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Wow, I had to reorder checks recently.
I remember when I used to pay $17.00 for a box of checks.
I would order two boxes at a time. I would receive 50 checks per bound, a total of 400 checks. I know the checks had been going up in price however, over the years they have been decreasing the amount of checks per box. I did not realize it until the price was $45.00 for two boxes and I am only receiving a total of 240 checks. I was not happy and told the woman on the phone, “I know this is not your fault, do you realize that this is what they did with the 16oz can of food in the grocery store? They increased the price and reduced the amount in the can.”
Guess they are going to get me one way or another.

Oh, by the way, those who think the price I am paying is totally outrageous, I pay extra to have top stub checks.


paulette said...

Immagine all those clever people with top paying jobs sitting around a table trying to figure out a way to raise prices without too much fuss. The guy who thought of decreasing the volume must have gotten a raise.

Tim B. said...

What a ripoff (hee hee...see, you have to rip checks off the book). How about changing the way you do business? Debit card instead of checks? Same account, same money.

Alternatively, get an affinity credit card...something that gives you credit back, like travel points. Use that for all expenses where you WOULD have used a check. Then when the bill comes for that card you write ONE check.

I know, you have other bills like phone, electric, etc. Set up an auto draft with each company. It's usually a free service.

cheryl said...

Yes, I guess if I go to the grocery store four times a month that would save on three four checks. I would still be writing one to the card company. I'm still not sure I like the idea of automatic draft. Just can't seem to get that good warm fuzzy feeling about that one.

cheryl said...

sorry, save on four checks a month.

Amanda said...

Most banks now offer online banking with bill pay. I know that Bank of America offers it free of charge to their account holders. Why utilize so many resources (checks/stamps/envelopes) when they can do the work for you and mail it (for free)?

I love you and miss you.

Amanda said...

Oh yeah - they also give you a debit card (which would eliminate the use of checks in a grocery store).

Sorry - I didn't read any of the other comments before posting.

Marcel said...

Get in the 21st Century and do banking the easy way. With a little work to set up originally, everything gets easier. Save stubs and check statements in order to keep control, it is that easy.

John Beauregard said...

The 21st Century is great. Ten years ago I wrote about 30 checks a month. Now only one or two even though my bank gives me free checks. Most everything is charged on my Amex rewards card with 5% cash back on gas, food and drugs. What I can't charge gets paid with on-line bill paying (also free from my bank). All our utilities are paid automatically on the Amex card and I pay off the Amex card each month using on-line bill pay. Is this a great country or what.

paulette said...

I'm like Gabby, I put most things on Discover for cashback and use Visa for those that don't take discovr. I pay those on line. I can set up the payment as soon as the bill comes and sit back and know that it will be paid on time.

I write one check per month and that is to my cleaning lady. I also use an occasional check as a gift item.

I did use an inordinate amount of checks when I moved and then ordered some with my new address on them. The price decreased in accordance with how many boxes you bought until the 4th box was free. I'm a sucker for free so I got 4 boxes. Should last the rest of my life.

Sean M. said...

Wow, I found another Discover Card user! I use my Discover card for most of my purchases, but I also have a Visa, since like Aunt P, everywhere doesn't take Discover. Then I write maybe two or three checks a month to pay off the cards, etc. Very handy stuff...

cheryl said...

everyone has such wonderful information. I'll have to get on the stick and get something set up to make it easier on myself. Thanks

cheryl said...

W O W ! ! It was easy, painless and in Aunt Paulette's favorite word "free". I'm liking it so far. Now I just need to set up some bills to pay.

Monica said...

Setting up some bills to pay should be the easiest part of all.

cheryl said...

I now have so much time on my hands I'm not sure what I should or could do first.