Monday, January 11, 2010

Continued Unemployment

I am one of the unemployed. Six months so far of sending out resumes and filling out applications.

My suggestion to the President would be in lew of stimulus money, to give tax incentives to companies who keep their jobs here in the US and not send the jobs overseas. Bonus to those companies who have jobs overseas and bring them back to the US. Get our people back to work and we will have product to export.


Job interview on Tuesday.


Sean M. said...

I like your ideas about incentives to companies. I guess the effect would be similar to a stimulus payment, except that instead of a one-time payment while unemployed, more people would have weekly paychecks to take home.

Good luck with the job hunt and your interviews!

John Beauregard said...

This post presumes the president is interested in creating American jobs and improving the American economy. Not so. His interest is to increase government dependence and solidify power. Why else would he do all the things that have proven to hurt the economy (massively increase government spending/debt) and not do the things that improve the economy (reduce business cost, ie. taxes)? Never in recorded history has a government spent it's way into prosperity.

Marcel said...

There are forces upon companies that result in a transfer of jobs to other countries. I have already blogged about my experience with United Technologies where the Union became so militant that we could no longer make a profit. The work was taken to Mexico wher the workforce was most agreeable and happy.