Monday, May 5, 2008

BEAUREGARD Nicolas Jacques

Whomever can read french, can you give us all a clue as to what this says? I believe it is some sort of obituary.

BEAUREGARD Nicolas Jacques, âgé de 42 ans, sous lieutenant au 17ème régiment, domicilié à Versailles, département de la Seine et Oise, condamné à mort le 8 prairial an 2, par le tribunal révolutionnaire de Paris, comme convaincu d'être complice des manœuvres pratiquées de concert avec le traite Dumouriez, à l'époque de sa trahison, tendant à ébranler la fidélité des soldats en vers la nation, et à marcher contre la convention.

Put to death by the gillotine somewhere between 1789–1799 could this be someone related to us?

I had heard there was some family history done by "the twins" was this ancestory ever put on CD or maybe the internet? I understand that our family came over here in the 1700's? Could he be family?

I found this information on the following web site in case anyone else knows of any more family names they would like to check on.