Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The blue birds are back

Well, they're baaaaaack....

When we moved into our house approx three and a half years ago, we also had five existing bird houses on the property. They were spread amongst the hard wood trees in the back of the property.

One little red house has lost its bottom. No doubt, probably to termites. You'll also notice the little red house is in close proximity of the church.

There is one that looks like a miniature mail box. Never been occupied. Just like the housing market, This one has been foreclosed on and no one will ever occupy it due to it's construction. It is a metal house. Sort of like the old style trailer homes like Mom and Dad and numerous Aunts and Uncles had when they were younger. Probably the low rent area of the trees.

I had put up two of my own houses last year. One received as a Christmas present and the other purchased at an antique store. The purchased one was a wooden purse with a latch for a closure. (not foreclosure) I had modified it with a hole in the siding and instant bird house. I put them both on the market right near our drive way in the back. I never used any signage or advertising: the purse is now occupied by the finch family. The gifted house, is still up for sale. I will do a lease purchase if anyone knows someone who would like the house. The brown one on the right. Please note it is in a subdivision and in a non gated community. The pool is in close proximity.

We believe the blue bird family is back from winter vacation and reoccupying their original house. This is not the variety of "blue bird" that everyone knows of. The type of bird... "I'm not sure of". I'm a non discriminating landlord. They just happen to have blue feathers. They have brought another family with them and they have all been moving in for the last few days.
I'm sure within a few weeks, our yard will have much to sing about.

Friday, March 2, 2007


Just a note for all of you out there Amanda is back on line again. If you care to go to her blog. If you no longer have her on your favorites, you can click on her name to the side of my blog.